Saturday, December 08, 2007
@8:52 am
the last stand.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
@3:20 pm
it's comin soon. the YEE HAAA BLOODY HELL DAMN IT A LVLS. ah well. haha i have no idea if i can like catch up with all the work and stuffs. hope i can though. i dont wanna do badly for the A's!! i wanna have the motivation! must keep telling meself that. geez.
it's the last week in school! it suddenly occurred to me that it really is the last week with 2t29. gonna miss the people. oi u all better hang out after A's, dont pang seh. the memories... nono this aint the time to get emo.
Prom! there's gonna be one after the A's. oh yeah. cant wait for it. quite excited actually. it'd better be worth it cause it cost us like eighty bucks each. bloody hell.
Bio's mad. everyone's kinda failing it. but that's no excuse though. all the bio students buck up and dont give up on bio!
CJC's helped me so much, especially my temper. been controlling it quite well i must say! haha. just ignore ignore, and keep my trap shut. works like magic. haha
i'm on muttons!!!! managed to call through a awhile back on the 'YOU COMPLAIN!" section. well i got jacked. made it to the podcast though! my call got selected for one of the two calls they were putting on the podcast. heh.
well that's the link.
the exams always cause me to lose precious things. darn it. i always have to wait till it's over. i certainly hope i can get it though.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
@1:15 am
the dumb internet's taking too much of my time! i'm not getting enough sleep! argh!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
@5:49 pm
it's finally here. nationals. i'm gonna do my best. that's all i'm gonna say about it.the time where all the j2 canoeists suddenly face the prospect of NO MORE training has arrived. haha i wonder how we will all get used it to, after almost a year plus of training so many times a week.gotta study, homework's been piling up like no tommorrow. darn.
it's so difficult
to look at you
and yet keep that sentence i've been wanting to say for such a long time from escaping my mouth.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
@12:26 am

i'm a cool pokemon! and no i did not do it
a hundred times to get this.
only 99! hahahah
ONLY ONCE LAH. walao eh.
life's been so slack during this one week break, i wish
it would go on forever.
its utterly wonderful.
gonna crash back into reality in about two days. :(
Sunday, June 10, 2007
@2:26 am
missed training today. Woke up with a blisteringly hot forehead, suspect it was a fever. however though, it left as soon as it came. in about two hours. I'm all fine now. weird. maybe it was from the many rides from yesterday.
Went to escape theme park with my cousins on Friday! it was seriously fun. especially when we took advantage of the fact that the rides were unlimited and raced each other with the go-kart about EIGHT times. hahahah. and yes, you are reading the words of the champion go-karter, thank you thank you :) you can stop the applause now
apart from that, took many gravity-defying rides. not really a big fan of them, however was eventually convinced to sit on them by my courageous cousins. oh well. they were thrilling. however after many of those spinning rides i had a minor headache. guess that turned into a fever the next morning. goodness, when did i turn so weak.
Studying's been alright i guess. off to more of it now. cya all soon!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
@10:58 pm
F*** it man. i just cant seem to settle down and study. i am one distracted piece of cow dung.
oh my. i did seem angry did i. just wanted to let it out, sorry. i'm just os darn frustrated with myself. someone grant me the discipline please.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
@9:09 pm
VESAK day to all
Buddhists out there :)
may the world be ZEN.
tomorrow! gotta
pia hard and not slack. just hope i
don't contradict myself.
the enormous amounts of
information to learn and understand+memorise in biology is enough to make you go bonkers!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
@7:34 pm
and it's yet another Sunday.
H1 exams are finally over. Econs was quite ok, what with the loads of hints and special notes that our tutor gave us. without it i would have been at a loss of what to write in the exam as usual. i have no idea how I'll do in the exam though. it's the first time I've studied for such a paper and well, you just don't know how well you'll do in these kind of situations. tried a different approach to GP this time, hope it'll do me some good.
it's all about the countdown to the H2 exams now. i have to prove myself to the vice-principal, that i wont fail everything again like in the common test. that was seriously a nightmare. never had i failed so abysmally and terribly in any exam before. i just hope that i have the self-discipline to study though.
I'm living in a paradox now. i keep telling myself "
STUDY, STUDY!!!" yet i find myself surfing aimlessly around the Internet, looking at meaningless stuffs like forums and such(no porn, fools) when i could have been utilising valuable time by organising my stuffs and revising my work. dang it. i just hope to be rid of this stupid foolish habit as soon as possible. No, make that a MUST.
life's been pretty much of a standstill these past two days. didn't even make any progress in my studies. oh well. MONDAY. hmmm. like MUSE sang, TIME IS RUNNING OUT!
caught pirates 3 on Friday. it's a great movie if you like the action. the plot's pretty predictable though, but you have to catch the first two movies to grasp it. having not watched the first movie, i was at a loss at what was going on at some parts, poor Jerrall had to endure my constant questioning.
Life gets better every day. i just hope that happens to me.